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Please click on the button after the title of the presentation to view the author’s abstract.
Moderator: Prof. Thomas Ladwein, Aalen University, Germany
Johann Peters, LAP GmbH
Production optimisation due to real-time information of profile and surface defects on rolling products.
Leilei Zhou, Baosteel
Cause analysis of strip breakage of 2205 duplex stainless steel during hot annealing and pickling.
Dr Shankar Venkataraman, Schmidt + Clemens
Heat resistant high alloy furnace rolls for the manufacture of duplex stainless steels.
Moderator: Dr Willem Van Haaften, Shell Global Solutions International
Munir Al-Saadi, Sandvik Materials Technology
The effects of reduction magnitude and different hot-working processes on the microstructure, mechanical properties and pitting corrosion resistance of SAN- MAC SAF 2205.
Sarata Cissé, Industeel R&D, France
Influence of thermal ageing on the mechanical and corrosion properties of the Super Duplex 1.4410 (UR™2507).
Pilar Esteban, Tubacex Group
Effect of different cooling methods and heat treatments on the toughness of thick wall extruded duplex stainless steel tubes.
Yong Joo Kim, Webco Industries
Hardness conversion of duplex and super duplex stainless steel between the Rockwell and Vickers scales.
Moderator: Jan Jonsson, Outokumpu
Sandra Le Manchet, Industeel – ArcelorMittal
Heat-affected zone ferrite content control of a new duplex stainless steel grade with enhanced weldability.
Jan Jonsson, Outokumpu.
Considerations for measuring ferrite content in duplex stainless steels with image analyses, IA.
Moderator: Dr Iris Rommerskirchen, Eisenbau Krämer
Dr Lars Schemmann, Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH
Appropriate welding approach of super duplex 25%Cr seamless pipes for subsea applications: Effect of alloying elements and modus operandi.
Jerome Bridel, Aperam
A parametric study on TIG weldability of cold-rolled Aperam DX2507 super duplex.
Kenta Yamada, Nippon Steel Corporation
Effect of welding parameters on microstructure of weldments of newly developed duplex stainless steel (UNS S82551).
Juliane Stützer, Otto-von- Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Submerged arc welding of duplex stainless steels with additional cold wire – a comparison of different process variants.
Moderator: Kasra Sotoudeh, TWI
A.D. Iams and T. A. Palmer, Pennsylvania State University
The formation and impact of oxygen-based inclusions in additively manufactured super duplex stainless steel.
Dr. Yogi Pardhi, Sulzer Pumps (UK) Ltd
Application of laser metal deposition for repair of super duplex stainless steel impeller.
James Shipley, Quintus Technologies
Microstructural & corrosion studies of super duplex produced via additive manufacturing.
Nikhil Dixit, Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions AB
Microstructure and mechanical properties of additively manufactured super duplex stainless steels.
Moderators: Raymond Cordewener, Loïc Amadu & Rob Spelt
A discussion of duplex/ super duplex GTAW pipe welding.
Dr Thierry Cassagne, Corrosion and Metallurgy Expert, Exploration Production, TOTAL S.E. France
Past experience and future use of duplex stainless steels in upstream oil and gas; an operator’s view.
Moderator: Mark van den Broek, Fluor
Mark van den Broek, Fluor
Specific material degradation mechanisms in petrochemical facilities relating to the use of duplexes. Examples of applications with issues (REACs, reboilers, vacuum condensers etc.), and reliable and economically successful applications of duplexes in the petrochemical industry.
Jan-Willem Rensman, Fluor, co-author John Houben, ExxonMobil
For heat exchangers in hydrogen and wet sour service, the problem area is the tube to tube-sheet weld. A best practice approach in designing and welding of tube to tube-sheet connections will be provided.
Moderator: Barinder Ghai, Sandvik Materials Technologies
Dr Shankar Venkataraman, Schmidt + Clemens GmbH + Co. KG
Success with lean duplex castings.
Enzo Panella, Gpi
Successfully executing on-site repairs; lifecycle costs of duplex vs other materials and lined tanks.
Angela Philipp, Sandvik Materials Technology Deutschland GmbH
Longer heat exchanger lifecycles with duplex stainless steels.
Steven Burrows, Kingsbury UK
Successful, cost effective, vibration free machining of duplex fabrications.
Frank Sukjun Yoon, International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) Market Development Committee Fellow
Market opportunities for duplex stainless steels in applications presently dominated by other materials.